On this Day in Church History the Prophet Joseph Smith and Emma Hale Smith were sealed for eternity (May 28, 1843)
Joseph wrote to Emma: “My heart is entwined around yours forever and ever.” I can imagine what he meant when he wrote that. We give our heart away when we love someone. It’s terrifying. We give our heart away and hope the person we love will give us their heart in return. Thus, two hearts entwined.
Before I ever met my husband, I talked with him on the phone. When I recall that phone conversation I remember knowing, even then, just from the sound of his voice: I knew this was a person who was going to change my life. Meeting him the next day only confirmed that.
I don’t know how many people can claim experiencing “love at first-sight,” but I do know that I am one of them. I met my husband at a bus stop in a small town in Germany and since that moment my heart was no longer my own.
Some words I would use to describe my husband: kind, generous, thoughtful.

How many times has he gotten up with the kids so I could rest? How many times has he cooked dinner or gone grocery shopping so that I wouldn’t have to? How many times has he listened to me and calmed me when I was upset? How many times has he managed not only having a full-time job and a full-time church calling, but also being a full-time husband and dad? How many times has he given of himself, his time, his strength, his attention, his love, on account of me and our children?
It’s difficult to write about all the unspoken moments. The moments that really only I have been privileged to witness. Moments filled with acts of true love—my husband showing me and our kids his love for us. These are the moments that have entwined our hearts in an ever-spinning pirouette.
I am a child of divorce, and I know from experience that no relationship is simple. No couple is as perfect as they may seem, and my marriage is not simple and never has been. But today, I am grateful for one simple thing: I love my husband and he loves me.
Yours truly,

3. Jones, Gracia N. “My Great-Great-Grandmother, Emma Hale Smith,” Ensign, August, 1992.
Loved reading this.
Thanks! I enjoyed writing it too =)
The story about how your relationship came to pass is not only unique but sweet and special. I will never forget our time with you and Sister Sykes in your apartment in Hannover. I always thought that you were very brave to follow up on your feelings the way you did. And I’m so happy that it all worked out.
Yes, we always tell people that you two played a pivotal role in the beginning of our relationship! We are so thankful for your love and support and also your example!