On this Day in Church History the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized (April 6, 1830)
Long-distance Engagement
“You want to postpone the wedding?” I asked my fiancée.
“We need more time,” he said. “We need to get to know each other better. We need time to plan and prepare.” We had set a date for the end of February, but now he wanted to move the wedding all the way to the end of August.
I was devastated. I couldn’t imagine waiting so long to get married. We were a bi-continental couple. Our relationship was anything but simple, but little did I know that he was absolutely right about postponing the wedding. My mom passed away that February, just days before our original wedding date.

Feeling Alone
I felt so alone. My mom was gone. How was I going to plan my wedding, let alone pay for it? You see, my parents had divorced when I was very young. Because of the divorce there were rifts and tears on all sides of the family.
Family Strength
But, despite that, in the aftermath of tragedy we held together. Grandparents, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins: They hosted bridal showers, provided a wedding venue, a cake maker, a wedding planner, the list goes on. Even though we were moving away to Germany, no one complained. They wished us well, they helped us prepare, they supported us.
My family is far from perfect and I am also far from perfect, but because of my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I am always nudged, day by day, to be a little better. Reach a little higher. Forgive deeper. Love harder.
It’s taken me a long time to recognize and appreciate the fact that when I felt the most alone in my life, I wasn’t alone at all. I see now how so many people encircled me with their warmth, their love, their support.

He is There
Jesus Christ said: “But behold, verily, verily, I say unto you that mine eyes are upon you. I am in your midst and ye cannot see me.”1
I didn’t see or feel Him then, but I do now. I was never alone and you are not alone, either. Whatever you are going through, take comfort and know that He is there.
All the best,