On this Day in Church History the revelation in D&C 90 was received (March 8, 1833)
When I read about Vienna Jacques I was immediately reminded of my grandma. Vienna gave a significant sum to the Church when funds were desperately needed to purchase land for the Kirtland Temple.1 The Prophet Joseph Smith wrote that her donation had “proved a Savior of life.”2

Don’t we all have people like that in our lives? People who come to our aid when we need it most? My grandma, like Vienna, was generous and faithful. She wasn’t afraid to make sacrifices for her family or her faith. Throughout my childhood and into my adulthood, she always came to my family’s rescue when we needed it most.
My grandma’s life wasn’t easy and neither was Vienna’s.
My grandma’s oldest son Jeff (my uncle) suffered a debilitating car accident at 25, leaving him wheel-chair bound. My grandma cared for him for 28 years. She also supported her youngest daughter Natalie (my mom) during her fight with breast cancer. Jeff and Natalie both died in the same year, just months apart from each other. In addition to grieving the loss of her children, she also had to grieve the loss of her home. She was unable to maintain her home in Salt Lake City and moved to Nauvoo to live with her only remaining child. She died in Nauvoo at the age of 85.

Vienna, after sacrificing her savings on behalf of the Church, moved to Jackson County, Missouri. She had only lived in her new home for six weeks when mob violence erupted.3 She watched as Bishop Edward Partridge was tarred and feathered. An excerpt from “Saints” describes her experience:
“Vienna looked up and saw Edward limping away. Only his face and the palms of his hands were not covered in tar. ‘Glory to God!’ she exclaimed. ‘He will receive a crown of glory for tar and feathers.’”4
Vienna moved with the Saints to Nauvoo and eventually Utah. She even drove her own wagon cart across the plains at the age of 60.5 Vienna lived a long life filled with Church service and remained self-reliant even into her 90s. She died at the age of 96 at her home in Salt Lake City.6
Generous living can ripple throughout generations.
Who do you know who lives generously?
Well wishes,
- Brent M. Rogers, “Vienna Jaques: Woman of Faith,” Ensign or Liahona, June 2016.
- “Letter to Vienna Jaques, 4 September 1833,” Documents, Volume 3: February 1833–March 1834, 292.
- Brent M. Rogers, “Vienna Jaques: Woman of Faith,” Ensign or Liahona, June 2016.
- Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days, vol. 1, The Standard of Truth, 1815–1846 [2018], Chapter 16: Only a Prelude, 180.
- Nicole Matsen, “Women in D&C deemed role models,” The Daily Universe, 2. December, 2002.
- Brent M. Rogers, “Vienna Jaques: Woman of Faith,” Ensign or Liahona, June 2016.