Nauvoo is a magical place in the summer.
Suddenly, the main street is crowded.
The pioneer village wakes up, stretches its limbs, and begins to dance.
Costumed pioneers wave. An orchestra plays. Wagons packed with tourists lumber past.
You can almost see it: the ghosts of the past awaken and you capture a glimpse of what Nauvoo might have been like in the 1800s–A city of thousands. Bustling with life, growth, and excitement.

The Nauvoo Pageant
This summer was my first time at the pageant.
My kids loved the pioneer games and treats. My German husband favored the British pageant (he enjoyed the European history), but I loved the Nauvoo Pageant.
All of the people that I’ve read about and studied were suddenly right there. Joseph, Emma, Jane Manning, Parley P. Pratt, and more.

Heritage of Love
The pageant is all about family heritage and the Plan of Salvation.
When I watched the pageant (especially the finale), I felt encircled by my ancestors. Their life, their sacrifices, their love. It was all right in front of me.
Sometimes in life we feel alone. A slithering sound reverberates: No one understand you. No one cares about you. You are not enough.
But watching the pageant reminded me of the hideousness of those lies. Absolutely nothing is more far from the truth.
You and I ARE NOT alone.

This is the Truth
God loves us.
Jesus Christ loves us.
All of our family who came before us love us.
When we feel unrecognized, they are beside us, cheering us on. They want us to keep fighting and never give up. They want us to learn from their stories.

All of this is visualized in the grand finale of the pageant when over 100 cast members dressed in white stand together and testify of this truth.
Families are forever.
God loves us.
Never forget. We are not alone.
Sincerely yours,
Have you ever been to the Nauvoo Pageant? Share your experience below!
Sources: Thank you to Karen Blunier from the Nauvoo Pageant Cast for contributing photos!