Meet the Nauvoo Blogger
Thank you for stopping by! I’m Justina and I’m the Nauvoo Blogger from On this Day in Church History. I grew up in Utah and lived for eight years in Germany with my German husband. We recently moved to Nauvoo, Illinois with our three children. I have over ten years of writing and education experience.

My writing background includes:
- reporting for The Salt Lake Tribune
- writing and editing for the Church magazines: Ensign, Liahona, New Era, and The Friend
- editing and writing for the City of South Salt Lake On the Move city newsletter
- editor-in-chief of Westminster College’s student-run newspaper, The Forum
- Winner of the 2011 Academy of American Poets Student Poetry Prize at Westminster College
- published in Ellipsis…Literature & Art at Westminster College
- New! Contributor to Nauvoo’s very own small-town newspaper, The Nauvoo Honeybee

Meet the Nauvoo Historian
Hello! My name is Rachel Clayton and I am a creative consultant and historian for On this Day in Church History. I’ve lived in 6 states and 3 countries (If you count ‘living’ as a period of time over three months). I have 6 years of experience studying history and conducting research. Now, I live and work in Nauvoo, Illinois.

So, why am I here?
I’ve dedicated my life to the study of the past. I’ve seen the rise and fall of empires, the desperate power struggle of a thousand ages, and fanfares to the greatest and most terrible men in history. What have I learned?
Empires are nothing without ordinary men. Power is only bought at the expense of the layman. And the greatest and most terrible men in history usually stand on the shoulders of the unsung.
I am very excited to help research and share the stories of the everyday people in Church History. Every single member is a pioneer in their own way, and as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are all doing our part to bring about the Lord’s work and glory.

Join the team!
Are you interested in joining the team? Are you passionate about LDS Church & Family History? Do you love Nauvoo? Let’s talk! Contact us!